I was almost arriving to Kingman, Arizona when I noticed it was time to refuel. My gas tank was running low and was my energy too. Earlier that morning I had spent the morning enjoying the beauty and massive breathe taking jaw dropping glory of one of the Seven Wonders of the World the Grande Canyon. Who is not swallowed up in awe with a glance of such a marvel? The crisp air that cuts through your bones like a saw and brought a chill from my finger tips to my toes could not stop that fire I had to capture the Grande Canyons magnificence. One could only find oneself standing still, frozen to such an entrancing sight. Not only did my eyes feast on such glory but they had an opportunity to witness wild elk  fight off weaker males, protect their pride, and demonstrate superiority to attract a more enticing female. I had never witnessed something so close and personal. Within a distance of ten feet I was dumbfounded to observe such thrilling moment which soon came to be the highlight of my day. Once I captured what I felt was good for my eyes I then proceeded to drive back to Las Vegas as I had jobs waiting for me. Along the way on its open roads that is when I found myself running out of gas once I reached Kingman and where I met my first road traveler. Stopping to gas up I quickly made my way to the restroom and that is when with the corner of my eye I happened to see a traveler who I soon would find out to be named Austin. I couldn't help but notice his attire from backpack to guitar and wool hat. I know th road could be harsh and challenging and the least I could do was offer him twenty dollars to help him get by. I introduced myself and told him I noticed his unique look and handed him the twenty dollar bill which I am so glad he accepted. As I was also checking out I could help myself and I stopped him one more time and asked if it would be okay to take his picture which he obliged to my request with a smile and a abit of surprise. I then explained to him briefly that I was traveling photographer and capture people, places and things as I travel. Austin was a bit shy and coy but I put him at ease by just talking to him as I clicked my camera until I captured what was what I considered enough for my creative purposes. We exchanged numbers, instagram info and as I continued to capture him I asked him a few questions my mind was curious about so many things. How long had he been on the road, why did he go on the road, where was he going, how hard was it do do what he was doing and much more. He shyly answered the questions one at a time. Austin had been on the road for about 6 years he was originally from Pennsylvania and preciously had spent about 8 months in Hawaii. Austin went to explain to me that before he had challenges in life and the road was something had been doing for sometime.
Privately I wanted to shout how much I wanted to do the same, grab a back pack, my camera and laptop and set myself to explore the US like Austin. I went on to share that with him at a later time and he told me how much a brave thing that would be for me. Hey the way I figure if you cant live life bravely fully, fearlessly and without adventure for me it is not living it my potential and max. Thank you Austin for your time, your energy and your journey! Hope our paths cross at some point in the future. Much love and peace. If anyone is curious as to learn more from Austin you can reach him at his Instagram page and if you feel compelled to share your appreciation with a kind donation he would greatly appreciate it.
If you would like to follow Austin's journey you can find him on INSTAGRAM:Â https://www.instagram.com/peaceamongworlds1111/
If you would like to contribute to his journey CLICK HERE:Â https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/peaceloveandtravels
To follow my day to day you can find me on INSTAGRAM:Â https://www.instagram.com/xochitlphoto/
FACEBOOK:Â https://www.facebook.com/xochitl.rodrigue
Are you an artist or up and coming musician and need photography please feel free to check out my services by clicking on the following link.