Interview with Coach Ayana O Entreprenuer/Business Consultant
What does Coach Ayana O do for businesses?
As a result of what I do people move from having a dream to having a 4, 5 or even 6 figure business doing what they love. I help novice and seasoned entrepreneurs overcome their fears about the complexities of the adminitrative an legal tasks involved in starting a business and create the roadmap to bring forth that desire to reality.
Who uses your business consulting services?
My most recent client is a beautiful being who has had a desire to own her own business but she was too fearful and confused to take action, she thought she needed a formal education to start a business! With my guidance she has successful overcome her fear and is in the process of opening her first physical location and has the road map and on track to open up 5 other locations by year 3. People who use my services include those with big dreams and limited resources either financially or the know how. Others that use my services are existing business owners looking to launch or scale their business.
What makes you stand out?
I could go into details about my processes but no one is interested in that, what I will say is that my process is a holistic approach which other programs lack, I speak to the results I produce, the results speaks for themselves. Also I provide truly individualized services, tailored to my clients' needs, someone to communicate with & not a "frequently asked" document.
Why do you love doing what you do?
I believe and feel this is my dharma in life as it nurtures me and in turn I nurture society, doing this I am fulfilled, I am fulfilling a life's purpose that only I can do as I was created to do so.
What are you passionate about?
I have been passionate about many things in life, as I evolve, so does the tings I am passionate about. Something I am passionate about is standing in my own truth and being kind to myself & others in thoughts and deeds. What I mean by that is even it means being unpopular, I am ok with that, at least at the end of each day I am at peace because I did not cheat myself I was true to me. I am passionate about being your authentic self boldly no matter what stage or phase you are in life.
Advice for any entrepreneur?
Dare to be different, dare to soar!
If you are looking for "easy" don't be an entrepreneur, if you are in it just to make money, look elsewhere. Most of all be the solution to someone's problem and don't believe anyone who tells you it can't be done or discourages you. You have already come up with all the ways it won't work in your head, find & surround yourself with those that will help you find the way in which it will work!
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